Fatima’s Spirit of Sacrifice

Sacrifice as a Duty of Love As Lent continues it can be easy to lose that original spark of devotion and energy awakened in us on Ash Wednesday. Our daily sacrifices and resolutions start out strong, but keeping them becomes increasingly tiresome, a chore rather than a loving gift. It is therefore extremely important that […]
Sister Lucia offered her painful death for the Holy Father

Sister Lucia of Fatima passed away on Feb. 13, 2005, after a long, drawn-out illness due to old age. She died just short of her 98th birthday, which would have been on March 28. Her charm and good humor lasted to the very end, even when she could not eat anything, but lupines (legume-like seeds […]
SEEK24 Recap: The Faith is Alive!

Remembering God’s Grace It’s easy, nowadays, to give into the doom and gloom. Even as devoted followers of Christ, we often find ourselves discouraged by the state of this increasingly Godless world. Only earlier this week, controversial rapper Lil Nas X made a disgusting mockery of Christianity. While many religious and non-religious people have spoken […]
The practice of First Saturday devotions preceded Fatima

The practice of honoring the Blessed Mother on first Saturdays has a long history in the Church. The devotion was given greater purpose at Fatima.
5 Things to Know About First Saturday

The requirements of the First Saturday devotion in making reparation are simple: Go to confession, receive Holy Communion, pray a five-decade Rosary AND spend an additional 15 minutes with Mary, meditating on the other mysteries of the Rosary. The purpose of the First Saturday devotion is to make reparation for the sins against the Immaculate Heart, […]
Astounding Things!: How the Midday Sun Danced at Fatima

An excerpt of Avelino de Almeida’s firsthand account of the Miracle of the Sun, published on October 15th, 1917, in O Século’s daily edition Translated by John Nahrgang OURÉM (PORTUGAL), October 13th Upon disembarking, after a delayed trip, at around four o’clock in the afternoon at Chão de Maçãs station in Ourém, where religious people […]
“Keep Me Company”

By Lawrence Maginot – As we grow closer to the 100th anniversary of the request for the First Saturday Devotion by Our Lady of Fatima in 2025, many people remain confused about how to carry it out, especially the request for fifteen minutes of meditation in addition to the five-decade Rosary. This time of meditation […]
It is All for Our Lady

By Barb Ernster and Larry Maginot – Venerable Sister Lucia! The news that Sister Lucia was declared “venerable on June 22 this year did not come as a surprise. Her cause was opened in 2008 and the diocesan inquiry, which required the examination of thousands of documents, her personal diary of 2,000 pages and interviews […]
It’s Worth Fighting For

By David M. Carollo – A Pilgrimage to Poland I am writing most of this article at Krakow airport, named after St. Pope John Paul II, the native son of this city. Flight delays can be a blessing, especially when the events of the day have been an inspiration to write accounts such as this. […]
Aligning Our Hearts with the Sacred Heart of Jesus

by Donal Anthony Foley – Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an opportunity for a renewal of our devotion to Christ under the image and reality of His divine-human Heart. Devotion to the Sacred Heart calls us to go to the deepest part of our […]