We are pleased to share this great news from our international secretariat on this blessed day, commemorating the October 13, 1917, apparition at Fatima: The process of beatification and canonization of Sister Lucia has had today a new development, with the delivery in the Vatican’s Congregation for the Cause of Saints of the document on her “heroic virtues” called, ‘Positio Super Vita, Virtutibus et Fama Sanctitatis’. The delivery of the ‘Positio’ is an important moment in the process of beatification and canonization. This volume contains the biography of Sister Lucia, from the documents collected in the diocesan phase of the process (which took place in the Diocese of Coimbra between 2008-2017); the ‘Informatio’ (information), which describes the virtues lived by the religious, as well as the list of witness statements, her Diary, and other unpublished documents “considered relevant in the process.”This document will now be analyzed by a set of nine theologians who will issue their opinion to determine whether Sister Lucia “practiced virtues heroically.”The positive opinion of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints is presented then to the Pope, who approves the publication of the respective decree so that the person is designated Venerable. For the beatification and canonization, it is necessary that a miracle is approved, attributed to the intercession of the Venerable or Blessed, respectively. This information is being shared with the pilgrims at the end of Mass today in Fatima, October 13, by the Rector of the Shrine of Fatima. Sister Angela, the Vice-postulator for the Cause, will be coming to the General Assembly of the World Apostolate of Fatima (October 24-28) and will give a talk on the Sanctity of Sister Lucia. In the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Nuno Perez and Ana Reis World Apostolate of Fatima International Secretariat |
Our Lady’s Smile
The innumerable pilgrimages by my father’s cousin sparked a desire in me to travel as a pilgrim. Fatima would be my first encounter with an overseas pilgrimage. It was a dream come true!
My father’s cousin had been there seven times. Always, always he lavished us with gifts upon his return. On one occasion he brought each of my siblings a statuette of Our Lady of Fatima. We treasured them dearly!