A Critical Message that Must be Spread

by Elizabeth Turello – As the Catholic Church’s official voice on the authentic Fatima message, the World Apostolate of Fatima works hard to promote Our Lady’s critical message to a world in need. A Miraculous Healing At a recent staff meeting, our statue custodians shared testimonies from their travels. Each anecdote highlighted the intercession of […]

The Scapular Means “Lights Out” for Satan!

by Thomas Ross – The Brown Scapular is truly a powerful sacramental and wonderful “sign of our predestination.” It is a visible witness to others who see it, but more importantly, a physical reminder to us who wear it that we want and intend to do what is necessary to go to heaven. At Fatima, […]

The Charisma of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Fatima

by Patrick Sabat “Statues, by virtue of the blessing of a bishop or a priest, become for us ‘visual catechism’. We, by virtue of our baptism in Christ, become a ‘living catechism.’” – St. John Chrysostom In 1947, the bishop of Fatima, Most Rev. Jose Correia da Silva, was very pleased when Mr. John Haffert […]

A Statue Carved with Prayer and Blessed with Mary’s Presence

by Larry Maginot – In a 1952 radio broadcast, Pope Pius XII expressed this poignant observation, “In 1946, we crowned Our Lady of Fatima as Queen of the world, and the next year, through her pilgrim image, She set forth as though to claim Her dominion, and the miracles She performs along the way are […]

Our Lady Weeps for Her Children

How the Pro-Life Movement Grew Up Under Roe v. Wade by Barb Ernster – This year marks the 50th anniversary of the well-documented case of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue, which famously wept human tears during a visitation at a New Orleans church on July 17, 1972. The story and photos were captured by Father […]

The Pilgrim Virgin Icon of Fatima – a sign of unity for East and West Church

by Mark Moran – The importance of Fatima to both the West and the East can never be underemphasized. Yet, within many circles in the East, there is a perception that Fatima and the Rosary is a Western-only apparition, with no bearing on the Universal Church.  In fact, some Eastern Catholics see the Rosary itself […]

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