A Critical Message that Must be Spread

by Elizabeth Turello –

IPVS tour from World Apostolate of Fatima, USA who spread Our Lady's critical message to a world in need

As the Catholic Church’s official voice on the authentic Fatima message, the World Apostolate of Fatima works hard to promote Our Lady’s critical message to a world in need.

A Miraculous Healing

At a recent staff meeting, our statue custodians shared testimonies from their travels. Each anecdote highlighted the intercession of God and Mary taking place on our statue tours. The World Apostolate of Fatima works hard to promote a critical message that must be spread, especially in these times. The following story was shared by statue custodian Thomas Ross:

During the 2017 Centennial tour, we took the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue (IPVS) to a small town in Oklahoma. After Mass, I gave my talk to the congregation as usual, but then I heard Father announce:

“I would now like Cathy to come forward and give her testimony.”

A woman stood up from one of the pews before making her way to the front of church. This was unexpected, so I made sure to pay attention. She began her talk by informing the group that, in 2008, the IPVS had come to her parish. Weeks before the statue’s arrival, she said, a doctor in their small town diagnosed her married daughter with cancer. He recommended she go to Oklahoma City for further analysis. So, her daughter scheduled an appointment in the big city. After a barrage of tests, on the end of that long first day, her daughter called to tell her, “Mom, the experts decided that I do have cancer. What makes it more difficult – I’m also pregnant. They recommend I get an abortion so they can treat the cancer.” Her daughter then begged her, “Mom, pray for me. I have more tests tomorrow.”

Cathy then explained, “That very next day, the IPVS statue came to my church. I prayed there for my daughter from morning to night.” At the end of that second day of testing, her daughter called again. This time, she excitedly said, “Mom, the cancer is gone, they can’t find it!”

Cathy smiled and wrapped up by proudly announcing to the audience, “I’m happy to tell you, I now have an 8-year-old granddaughter.”

The Intersession of Our Lady, Not a Statue

The above story exemplifies some of the miracles occurring due to Our Lady’s intercession, the IPVS serving as a vessel. As Ross reminds us, the statue itself holds no power, it is merely an ordinary object used to bring about miracles and help increase people’s faith.

“The physical presence of the statue was simply the opportunity, or moment in time, for people to exercise or increase their faith, to turn to God and Our Heavenly Mother in prayer,” Ross told me. “I also think it’s important to mention that I hear more ‘miracle’ stories because of intercessory prayer (someone praying for someone else) than direct healings in answer to prayer for themselves.”

If you would like to support our mission and keep our IPVS on the road, please consider doing so through a donation. As a non-profit, we rely on your generosity to help us bring Our Lady of Fatima’s message to a world in need.

Peace be with you.

Elizabeth Turello

Elizabeth Turello is the Communications Associate for the World Apostolate of Fatima USA/Blue Army Shrine.

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