November, the Month of Awareness and Gratitude

by David Carollo – The month of November starts with the great feast of All Saints Day, which directs us to look to the many holy people who have been elevated to the altar and stand as examples of how we need to live. We have our favorite saints, those who we look up to, […]
We Cannot Diminish the Meaning of Thanksgiving

by David M. Carollo – Thanksgiving calls us to embrace the meaning of the day—gratitude. The holiday itself was founded for this purpose. The 1779 Congressional Thanksgiving Proclamation states that this day is “to be a day of public and solemn thanksgiving to Almighty God for His mercies, and of prayer for the continuance of […]
November helps us focus on gratitude
by David Carollo – The whole month of November is focused on gratitude. On Nov. 1, we honor All Saints, those who have been found worthy to stand before the Lord and whose lives are models for us. Many are well-known as the Church has canonized them. Many more lived quiet lives sanctified by grace, […]