The Eucharist: A central part of the Fatima apparitions

by Father James L.P. Miara – His Excellency Joao Pereira Venancio, who was bishop of the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima from 1958 – 1968, when asked to summarize the message of Fatima, said: “Fatima is reparation, reparation, reparation and especially Eucharistic Reparation.”  Fatima is very Eucharistic. This is evident when one visits the sanctuary in Portugal, […]

Remembering our war veterans

by Susan Tassone – The month of November is dedicated to the holy souls in purgatory. There is great wisdom in the Church giving us this month. Our charity and gratitude not only demand we pray for the holy souls, but our faith requires our prayers to help them join the house of the Lord. […]

Teaching kids about purgatory

by Michaelyn Hein – “Okay, kids,” I said as I turned the calendar from October to November, “time for us to seriously up our game in praying for the souls in purgatory.” I anticipated the need to explain why exactly we suddenly needed to improve our prayers for the dead. Instead, I was surprised to […]

St. Louis de Montfort and the coming of Our Lady of Fatima

by Barb Ernster – There are some significant ties between the teachings of St. Louis de Montfort and the Fatima message to the point that I imagine St. Louis was rejoicing in heaven when the Virgin Mother began to appear at Fatima. The time had arrived when all that he foresaw was beginning to unfold […]

A healthy society needs the protective force of fathers

by Michaelyn Hein – The other day, I opened my web browser and clicked my way to my email in search of the day’s Mass readings. On the way there, I was confronted with an article that grabbed my attention. “Actress Reveals Teen Abortion,” it read, adding the woman’s own description of the event as […]

Charity and forgiveness begin in us

by David M. Carollo As people redeemed in the Blood of Christ, we know that our sins are forgiven if we sacramentally confess these and are truly contrite. Once cleansed, we must take the lessons of our failures and help others who have fallen to avoid sin and return to a life of grace. The […]

Uniting the family around the Rosary

by Michaelyn Hein – The first time my family attempted to pray a Rosary together was, admittedly, a disaster. My toddler broke one of our rosaries, my preschooler whined her way through it and my husband increased the speed of praying so that the words were nearly indecipherable. I understood his desire to get it […]

A greater miracle than this!

by Donal Anthony Foley – The miracle of the sun at Fatima on Oct. 13, 1917, was one of the most crucial and astounding events of the 20th century, a vast affirmation of the power and existence of God given to an undeserving world that was increasingly moving away from Him. One of the most […]

Jesus, you take over!

by Mary Beth Bracy – Last summer was intense. When I left a situation that I believed was God’s long-term will for my life, I was exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically. Driving down the highway, I reached for something in the passenger side that was beyond my grasp. Then, I realized I was starting to […]

The last words of Our Lady of Fatima

by Donal Anthony Foley – During the final apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, on Oct. 13, 1917, she said to the children that she was the Lady of the Rosary, thus emphasizing the importance of the Rosary, and intimately linking herself with it. She also told them to, “Continue always to pray the Rosary […]

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