Persevere Like the Early Christians

During this glorious Easter season, it is important to ponder the fruits of the Redemption, which often escape the eye. What became of the many who crossed paths with Jesus and came to understand the meaning of the events they participated in, either as followers or as those who brought about His death?  Some witnessed His works from a distance but knew the truth was at hand. Even those guilty of the atrocities inflicted upon Him were among the first recipients of the great gift of redemption. This was a message preached during the years of His ministry: His mercy is beyond description to those who seek it through repentance.

The Moment of Truth

Holy Week is upon us, and Lent is over. The sacrifices and reflections that marked these forty days are now ending and the true purpose of this time of penance is in front of us.

Lent Should Transform Us

Simon becomes Peter; Saul becomes Paul. The Cornerstones of Lent Prayer and sacrifice are the cornerstones of Lent. It is during this time that we re-evaluate our lives and strive for improvement. This should be our task every day of the year, but in this time, we are directed to a more focused effort to […]

A Year of Decisions and Crossroads

Can We Alter the Course? A new year always begins with speculation, hope and resolutions. This year not only appears to follow that course but may be one of the most pivotal times in history. It is a major election year and the choices in front of us are monumental. Once again, we look at […]

We Are Blessed to Know the True Wonder of Christmas

Secularism Cannot Replace Christmas The day after Thanksgiving, I returned from Portugal. My wife and I decided to stay a few extra days after our Fatima pilgrimage group departed to spend the holiday with some friends. It was not a holiday there, but something jumped out at me; advertising for Black Friday was everywhere. This […]

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