How We’re All Like the Great Apostle St. Paul

by Elizabeth Turello – It’s easy to be silent in the face of persecution. Sometimes, it’s even easier to become the persecutor. It goes against our faith and the deepest part of our soul, but it satisfies the humanistic need to feel attached to this world; to “belong” instead of carrying the daily cross of […]

Christmas and the Fatima Message

by David M. Carollo – The Fatima message was explained many years ago as reparation, reparation, Eucharistic reparation! We are all broken by the effects of Original Sin, and more directly by actual sin. The message of our Catholic Faith is to make reparation as Christ did. St. Paul stated that we must make up for […]

Am I my brother’s keeper? 

By David M. Carollo – When God asked Cain where his brother Abel was, he responded: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Knowing that he had murdered him, motivated by jealousy, God allowed him to contemplate his deed. Cain knew that his action was wrong, but more profoundly, he knew that this act had ramifications far […]

The last words of Our Lady of Fatima

by Donal Anthony Foley – During the final apparition of Our Lady at Fatima, on Oct. 13, 1917, she said to the children that she was the Lady of the Rosary, thus emphasizing the importance of the Rosary, and intimately linking herself with it. She also told them to, “Continue always to pray the Rosary […]

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