Aligning Our Hearts with the Sacred Heart of Jesus

by Donal Anthony Foley – Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an opportunity for a renewal of our devotion to Christ under the image and reality of His divine-human Heart. Devotion to the Sacred Heart calls us to go to the deepest part of our […]
Journey to the Living Heart of the Catholic Faith

By Kevin Burke, LSW and Theresa Burke, Ph.D. – In the month of June, we journey into the heart of Catholic devotion, and quite literally, to the physical Heart of Jesus. June offers a unique opportunity to strengthen your Catholic faith beginning with the Feast of Corpus Christi on June 16, celebrated on Sunday, June 19, […]
Consoling Mary, A Mother in the Emergency Room of this World

by Michaelyn Hein – I stood in the emergency department desperate for help. Though people glanced our direction – unavoidable, really, considering the screams of my 4-year-old son – no one came to our aide. They hurried about to other rooms and hallways as I stood in line, cradling my boy. After what felt like […]
St. Louis de Montfort and the coming of Our Lady of Fatima
by Barb Ernster – There are some significant ties between the teachings of St. Louis de Montfort and the Fatima message to the point that I imagine St. Louis was rejoicing in heaven when the Virgin Mother began to appear at Fatima. The time had arrived when all that he foresaw was beginning to unfold […]