Sister Lucia offered her painful death for the Holy Father

Sister Lucia of Fatima passed away on Feb. 13, 2005, after a long, drawn-out illness due to old age. She died just short of her 98th birthday, which would have been on March 28. Her charm and good humor lasted to the very end, even when she could not eat anything, but lupines (legume-like seeds […]
The Eucharist is central to the Fatima apparitions

Written by Fr. James L. P. Miara “Fatima is Reparation” His Excellency Joao Pereira Venancio, who was a bishop of the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima from 1958-1968, when asked to summarize the message of Fatima said: “Fatima is reparation, reparation, reparation and especially Eucharistic reparation.” Fatima is very Eucharistic. This is evident when one visits the […]
The Rosary: Spiritual Medicine from Our Heavenly Mother

God wants to give us peace, and through Mary, He has given us a means to obtain it. The Rosary settles our minds and hearts and focuses our attention on Him. When I pray it with my heart, immediately I notice the peace. This happens as well when I spend time in Eucharistic adoration or during Mass. If this is the medicine for my soul, I need to take it.
Corpus Christi: Love and Gratitude for the Hidden Jesus

by Donal Anthony Foley – Understanding Corpus Christi The Solemnity of Corpus Christi, or the “Body of Christ” is, in essence, a commemoration of the sublime moment when Christ, with His disciples at the Last Supper, transformed the Jewish Passover ceremony for all time. Knowing that He was to suffer grievously in His Passion the […]
Fatima Night Vigils of Reparation to Restore Belief in the Holy Eucharist

by Barb Ernster – In support of the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ National Eucharistic Revival (NER), the World Apostolate of Fatima is asking parishes in every diocese to host a Fatima Night Vigil of Reparation to renew the Church and help return Catholics, practicing and non-practicing, to belief in the real presence of Jesus in the […]
Lord, I Am Not Worthy

by David M. Carollo – When we read or watch accounts of the life of Christ, we think of the stories of those who encountered Him personally. We know snippets of their interactions with Jesus, but what do we know of their lives afterwards? The Roman Centurion who approached Him and in an act of […]
We Cannot Diminish the Meaning of Thanksgiving

by David M. Carollo – Thanksgiving calls us to embrace the meaning of the day—gratitude. The holiday itself was founded for this purpose. The 1779 Congressional Thanksgiving Proclamation states that this day is “to be a day of public and solemn thanksgiving to Almighty God for His mercies, and of prayer for the continuance of […]
Get close to Jesus in the Eucharist

by Barb Ernster – After pondering the question of the most important part of the Fatima message, Sister Lucia stated that it was “at the beginning, at the Cabeço.” It was there that the Angel of Peace led the three little shepherds to an intense reality of the presence of God and to worship and […]
July is the Month of Precious Blood – the Life Blood of the Church

by Donal Anthony Foley – The month of July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus, and the Church makes this dedication because it is important for us to contemplate the mystery of the Eucharist, which contains the life blood of our faith and the Church. This devotion dates back to the early Fathers, […]
The Eucharist defines pro-life movement
by Father Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life Christians are used to looking beyond appearances. The baby in the manger does not look like God; nor for that matter does the man on the cross. Yet by faith we know He is no mere man. The Bible does not have a particular glow setting […]