Reparation, Adoration and Divine Justice
by Deacon Robert Ellis – As the first Saturday of June approaches, I am experiencing a much greater sense of urgency than I have in the past. The Solemnity of Corpus Christi immediately follows it. Two days later, on the 11th, we have the Memorial of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. June 13 will mark […]
The Truth is set before us
by Deacon Bob Ellis – A nation that permits babies to be brutally torn apart limb by limb and ripped from the wombs of their mothers will not long retain God’s blessings and protection. The swiftly developing Communist revolution in America, which threatens the survival of our republic, is evidence of the rapid dissipation of […]
The Fatima call to Eucharistic reparation
By Deacon Bob Ellis – The call to Eucharistic reparation is very much a part of Fatima, but interestingly, it did not come from Our Lady. She did not ask for it during any of her six apparitions in 1917. While she did talk about turning away from sin and back to God, she spoke […]
First Saturday is an individual invitation to know Mary
By Deacon Bob Ellis – The most common disappointment I hear about the First Saturday Devotion is that someone is unable to practice it because it is not done communally in their parish or anywhere nearby. The familiar phrase, “Our parish doesn’t offer First Saturdays,” reveals a misconception about the devotion itself in need of […]