Mary Calls Us To Deep and Abiding Prayer
Prayer is the mainstay of the Christian and Catholic life and so it isn’t surprising to see how, once the Fatima children had experienced the awesomeness and power of the angel of Fatima and the beauty and goodness of Our Lady, they increasingly devoted their lives to prayer.
God’s Archangels: Messengers of Hope, Truth and Light
by Catherine Moran – When one thinks of angels, three come to mind: St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael. The source of our knowledge of these three archangels is from the Old and New Testament. Church teachings on the angels help us understand their mission and role in helping us. St. Michael – Defender […]
Get close to Jesus in the Eucharist
by Barb Ernster – After pondering the question of the most important part of the Fatima message, Sister Lucia stated that it was “at the beginning, at the Cabeço.” It was there that the Angel of Peace led the three little shepherds to an intense reality of the presence of God and to worship and […]
July is the Month of Precious Blood – the Life Blood of the Church
by Donal Anthony Foley – The month of July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus, and the Church makes this dedication because it is important for us to contemplate the mystery of the Eucharist, which contains the life blood of our faith and the Church. This devotion dates back to the early Fathers, […]
The Eucharist: A central part of the Fatima apparitions
by Father James L.P. Miara – His Excellency Joao Pereira Venancio, who was bishop of the Diocese of Leiria-Fatima from 1958 – 1968, when asked to summarize the message of Fatima, said: “Fatima is reparation, reparation, reparation and especially Eucharistic Reparation.” Fatima is very Eucharistic. This is evident when one visits the sanctuary in Portugal, […]
Fatima emphasizes union of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
by Donal Anthony Foley – June is the month traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and today, June 11, is the feast or Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. The feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary takes place tomorrow, June 12. It is fitting that the two feasts are so closely linked in […]
Without yeast the bread won’t rise
by Deacon Bob Ellis – The number of prayer initiatives under way during this time, when Satan’s demons seem to hold our nation firmly in their grip, is edifying and encouraging. However, most that I’m aware of haven’t pointed out the importance of yeast in the baking of bread. Without yeast, it won’t rise. Without […]
Praying for conversions? Try the Fatima Chaplet
By Barb Ernster – The story of the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus in Acts 9:1-20, is a fascinating read about the length and depth of God’s mercy and grace. Consumed with “murderous threats” against the disciples of Jesus after encouraging the stoning of Stephen, he longed to round them up – […]
The Fatima call to Eucharistic reparation
By Deacon Bob Ellis – The call to Eucharistic reparation is very much a part of Fatima, but interestingly, it did not come from Our Lady. She did not ask for it during any of her six apparitions in 1917. While she did talk about turning away from sin and back to God, she spoke […]