Night of Love
Join the World Apostolate of Fatima for vigils of reparation and prayer for the return of Catholics to the Faith and to belief in the Real Presence.
The Story of Fatima
From May 13 to October 13, 1917, Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal.
Living the Fatima Message
The Blue Army
The World Apostolate of Fatima is the Vatican’s official voice in proclaiming the authentic message of Our Lady of Fatima.
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Join the World Apostolate of Fatima for vigils of reparation and prayer for the return of Catholics to the Faith and to belief in the Real Presence.
By David M. Carollo – A Pilgrimage to Poland I am writing most of this article at Krakow airport, named after St. Pope John Paul
By Barb Ernster – First Saturdays Devotion: A Call from Our Lady Amid the four things Sister Lucia identified as Our Lady’s request at Fatima,
by Barb Ernster – Confession is a stickler for many people. Some will go once a year to meet the Church obligation. Others absolve themselves
Fatima is a wonderful place where we are drawn into the heart of Our Lady and there made her true children filled with her own life.
The Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin in terms of it having a “certain infinite dignity” indicates just how astounding the Divine Maternity is, since it required Mary to be spiritually exalted to such an incredible degree that she became fitted to bear the Incarnate Son of God.
by Thomas Ross – The Brown Scapular is truly a powerful sacramental and wonderful “sign of our predestination.” It is a visible witness to others
by Donal Anthony Foley – St. Faustina revealed in her Diary that she was taken to Purgatory by her guardian angel, which she described as
by Barb Ernster Many people will say in conversation that they feel like they’re losing their faith. They ask, “Where is God?” as so many
by Patrick Sabat “Statues, by virtue of the blessing of a bishop or a priest, become for us ‘visual catechism’. We, by virtue of our
A Public Association of the Faithful
Our Lady’s Blue Army
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