Let’s pray for the country

by David M. Carollo –

Photo by Aaron Burden, Unsplash

I came out of the chapel after Mass today and had a conversation with several people who are regulars here at the Blue Army Shrine. Everyone shared the common feeling of uneasiness of these past few days. Elections are always emotional. Uncertain election outcomes are even more upsetting. I have heard it said that politics are 90% emotion and 10% substance. The fact is that for those of us who strongly believe in our convictions, policy becomes emotional. Fighting for life and the related moral issues, as well as working to protect our national identity and religious freedoms, overrides any party affiliation.  In the past there was always a baseline of common beliefs, respect for life, support of national security and respect for the institutions that define us. Today, the sides in this political battle could not be more opposed. 

I watched the disputed 2000 election drag out for a long period of time and saw the harm that it did to our national unity. The damage that will be done by this present situation may irreparably harm our republic.  May I ask you all to pray to Our Lady for a quick and just resolution. The future stability of the United States is at stake.  And will you all please do some form of penance tomorrow on the First Friday and practice the First Saturday devotion. Our Lord and Our Lady attached great promises to our response to their requests for devotion to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts.  Let’s unleash the power of our prayer on our nation.

God bless and protect you.

David Carollo is the Executive Director of the World Apostolate of Fatima USA

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Pray, Hope and Sleep Peacefully in the Arms of God

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“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?  Which of you by worrying can add one hour to his life?” (Mt 6:26)

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Heroic Forgiveness and the Sacraments

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