The need to spread devotion to the Immaculate Heart worldwide

by Donal Anthony Foley – One of the primary aspects of Our Lady’s message at Fatima, which needs to be emphasized more, is the idea of devotion to her Immaculate Heart becoming a global phenomenon. We can see this from her June 13, 1917 message, when Mary told Lucia that Jesus wanted the young seer […]

The miracle of the Eucharist

by Catherine Moran, Ph.D. The miracle of the Eucharist is a masterpiece of the wisdom, the power and the generosity of God. St. Augustine illustrated this beautifully when he wrote, “God, all wise though He be, knows nothing better; all power though He be, He can do nothing more excellent; infinitely rich though He be, […]

The steady march toward our moral decline

By David M. Carollo – I turned on the television the other day and got caught up in a movie from about 40 years ago. Although it was no cinematic masterpiece, it was set in a time that stirred up nostalgia for me. I vaguely remember it, but more importantly, I related to the time […]

As Queen of Heaven, Mary prays for us

by Elizabeth Turello – For centuries, theologians and saints have referenced the holiness of Mary above all of God’s other creatures. Early church writers and Christians acknowledged her privileged status and royal dignity as Mother of the King. In the 18th century, with love and devotion, St. Alphonsus Liguori wrote that Mary was truly deserving […]

Go and make disciples of all nations

by David Carollo – The New Evangelization called for by St. John Paul II was a call to re-evangelize those who have lost the Faith, primarily through acceptance of a culture of convenience and self-centeredness. Accepting the creed of the world advances the “dictatorship of relativism” referred to by Pope Benedict XVI. We are not […]

800th anniversary of St. Dominic, preacher of the Holy Rosary

by Rev. Matthew R. Mauriello – On August 6, we commemorate the 800th anniversary of the passing into heavenly glory one of the Church’s greatest saints, in 1221. St. Dominic Guzman was born in Calaruega, Spain, on August 8, 1170. His father was Felix Guzman and his mother was Blessed Jane of Aza. According to […]

Our Lady came to Fatima to save souls

By E. William Sockey III – Recently a good pastor reminded his parishioners that Our Lady’s primary concern is that everyone come to know and love her Son Jesus. Her appearance at Fatima was no different. It was not primarily about stopping Russia from conquering the world, preventing nuclear war or obtaining world peace, but […]

Saints Joachim and Anne remind grandparents of their important role

by Donal Anthony Foley – July 26 is the feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne, parents of the Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus Christ, and the Pope has instituted a World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly to be celebrated this year on Sunday, July 25. Joachim and Anne are not mentioned in the […]

Count on the Fatima seers to help your families

by Barb Ernster – Everybody has some sort of issue in his or her family. Parents never stop worrying about their kids for issues big and small. We all have family members and friends that we are praying back to Christ. The Fatima seers will not disappoint in their heavenly help. All three of the […]

Patriotism means adopting an attitude of selflessness

by David M. Carollo – As we approach the Independence Day holiday, the thoughts of patriotism come to mind. In this time when the very founding of this nation is regularly attacked, it would serve us well to understand the foundations of patriotism. Without this, it is impossible to understand the motivation of those who […]

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