The Rosary: Spiritual Medicine from Our Heavenly Mother

God wants to give us peace, and through Mary, He has given us a means to obtain it. The Rosary settles our minds and hearts and focuses our attention on Him. When I pray it with my heart, immediately I notice the peace. This happens as well when I spend time in Eucharistic adoration or during Mass. If this is the medicine for my soul, I need to take it.

The Miraculous Might of One Hail Mary

“Growing up, every time you heard any type of siren, ambulance or police car, you made the sign of the cross and said a prayer for those in need and protection for those involved. That was second nature to me,” Petrovich explained. “I always said that prayer but never felt compelled to say a [particular] prayer. On that (Saturday) occasion, it was the one thing that was different than anything else. And the first prayer that came to mind was the Hail Mary.”

The infinite dignity of Mary, Mother of God

The Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin in terms of it having a “certain infinite dignity” indicates just how astounding the Divine Maternity is, since it required Mary to be spiritually exalted to such an incredible degree that she became fitted to bear the Incarnate Son of God.

Coming Home

God’s voice dropped upon me like a sudden ton of bricks. ‘You cannot become a saint at the expense of other people,’ I heard.

The Greatest Act of the Protomartyr St. Stephen

by Elizabeth Turello – As a kid, I remember always lingering on St. Stephen’s page in my book about the lives of the saints. In part, it had to do with the brutal means of his death; my little mind had a hard time comprehending the notion of being stoned. He was also the protomartyr, […]

Christmas and the Fatima Message

by David M. Carollo – The Fatima message was explained many years ago as reparation, reparation, Eucharistic reparation! We are all broken by the effects of Original Sin, and more directly by actual sin. The message of our Catholic Faith is to make reparation as Christ did. St. Paul stated that we must make up for […]

Rest in peace, Deacon Bob Ellis

We are saddened to report on the death of our long time National Coordinator, Deacon Robert Ellis, who passed away on December 12, the feast of Our Lady Guadalupe, after a hard-fought battle with cancer this past year. Despite his sufferings, he continued working as long as he could, while undergoing treatments. His dedication to […]

The Essence and Importance of the Immaculate Conception

by Donal Anthony Foley – Every year during Advent, on Dec. 8, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, one of the most prominent Marian feasts in the Church’s liturgical year. This celebration centers on the principle that Our Lady, from the very first moment of her existence, was free from original sin. Whereas […]

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