A Sign from Our Lady? News from the Pilgrim Virgin Tours

There have been a number of reports of supernatural manifestations stemming from the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, during her visitations to parishes, particularly in the dioceses of Youngstown, OH this past week, and Rockville Center, NY in May.

These reports from the faithful and the photos capturing these manifestations appear to be legitimate. However, the Church is the only authority on substantiating supernatural events such as this.  

There are many times Our Lady has given signals of her presence with us during the more than 75 years that our apostolate has traveled with the statue. We cannot claim to know why, but these are times when we need to look to ourselves and be more diligent in our faithful adherence to the requests of Our Lady at Fatima—especially as the world so desperately needs conversion.

The International Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima has been traveling since 1947 and was blessed by the Bishop of Fatima. He asked that Mary accompany the statue wherever it would go. Pope Pius XII also blessed the statue in 1952 and openly expressed his astonishment at the favors granted through her visitations. Many millions of hearts have been touched; sinners converted; illnesses cured; marriages saved; prayers answered. These are the wonders she performs (click here to read the history of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue).

As a public association of the faithful, we work with our dioceses to bring these visitations to parishes, shrines and seminaries (unlike privately commissioned replica statues, our statue does not visit private homes).

Therefore, we entrust these matters to the Church.But these are signal graces for us; signs that heaven is with us and calling us to stay strong, keep the Faith, and pray more for those who do not. Therefore, please join us in doubling down our response to Mary’s request for prayer, penance and reparation. Next December will be the 100th anniversary of Mary’s request for the First Saturday devotion. She told Sister Lucia this devotion could stave off wars. She also asked us to pray the daily Rosary, especially to obtain peace. These are things we all can do.

During these difficult times in our country and the world, please join our apostolate in saying “Yes” to Mary and being her Blue Army of prayer on earth! Join the millions of people who have taken up this mission on earth by signing the Blue Army Pledge that Sister Lucia formulated with our co-founder in 1946. You can do this at https://www.bluearmy.com/join/

Thank you,

David M. Carollo

David M. Carollo is the Executive Director of the World Apostolate of Fatima USA/National Blue Army Shrine. He wrote this for his Voice of Fatima column.

If you would like to comment on this post, please contact him at [email protected].

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